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Left-Right blocks

A simple layout with cards that are swapping image and content with each entry.

How it works:

Blocks in a left-schema can be added with the meta-tag 'left_right_layout' and the information can be provided through a reference file. Example tag:

left_right_layout: left-right-demo

left-right-demo.yml in _data folder:

style: landing-page-main-content
  - title: Lorem Ipsum
    text: |
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque non enim dolor. Pellentesque eget eros blandit, imperdiet metus id, sagittis dolor.
    icon: fa-tools
    link: /
    link_text: More
  - title: Lorem Lipsum
    text: |
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque non enim dolor. Pellentesque eget eros blandit, imperdiet metus id, sagittis dolor.
    icon: fa-key
    link: /
    link_text: Read more